i have made following changes to my previous code to display "welcome to my os!'.
however it still doesn't works
org 0x7c00 ;we are loaded at 07c00
bits 16 ;16 bits real mode
start: jmp loader
msg db "WELCOME TO MY OS!",0
or al,al
jz done
mov ah,0x0E ;request display
mov bl,0x1E ;foreground color
int 0x10 ;call interrupt service
jmp print
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov si,msg
call print
jmp $ ;infinite loop
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
it just displays
booting from floppy....
nothing else
also plz tell why to make ds register 0
what if its made to point to 7c00
whats wrong in this code,really tired doing same thing
problems in tutorial 4
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- Joined:Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:39 am
- Location:San Jose, CA
Re: problems in tutorial 4
I am not sure, but as far as i found about the bootloader.
bios loads the bootcode at CS:0, ip 07c0
So to make ds and cs point to same are we make ds and other segments 0
bios loads the bootcode at CS:0, ip 07c0
So to make ds and cs point to same are we make ds and other segments 0
Re: problems in tutorial 4
Is this the only problem in tutorials?